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Get ready for fall with our latest deals on your favorite items.

Browsing our "online retail store", you'll find more than just basic craft supplies. Our huge collection of discount knit & crochet yarns in all colours is perfect for all skill levels and cover a wide range of styles and expertise, including easy beginner projects & quick gift knitwear, as well as more challenging techniques. We also sell quality accessories that can make your next project work up like a dream! Whether you're looking for patterns, coloring books, gauge measures, or project bags.

Find that perfect skein of clearance yarn to create something beautiful that you'll love, or turn to our online store for knitting needles, hooks and craft supplies like buttons, stitch markers and more!

Don't miss out our special deals on great quality crocheting & knitting yarns, materials and tools. You are also invited to join our community to find inspiration for your next DIY project and subscribe to our newsletter to receive discount codes, free giveaways, and more!

All orders ship directly from our Canadian facility.

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